Friday 26 August 2016

Odin's beard,,,,its been a while scince I posted but Today of all days for no reason whatsoever I'm posting anyways.
Been VERY busy but hapilly with things that in the future will greatly contribute to the game!

The past months i've completed highschool and now hopefully on the way to Uni with computer science/engineering course, very exciting stuff. Have gotten my drivers licence and its been awesome so far to have at my hands 200Hp or german engineering.
Now onto more recent events i've started livestreaming on twitch:

I've been learning alot on unity and two weeks i worked on a small project i'm planning for the future called Diesel Adventure, i'l tell you more about it someday. Lets just take from this part that I learned alot of coding....and with said coding one day I felt like taking a break from D.A. and tried my hand at making a mech work.....I did in 12 hours what , last time i tried for an entire week, a functioning mech with aiming , getting in and out of, animations, all the complex stuff! I'l show you a GIF someday.

Onto more recent developments all of which only 1 picture below will be show, ive been getting into networking and character development and I do have a little surprise for you here. One of the faction's soldiers. YES  regular soldiers. Will get into more detail further on but see for yourself.

I'l try to post more often in the future! To anyone who is out there following, YOU are the reason as to which I'm making this and games :)