Sunday 10 April 2016

A little feedback on current state.

I'm just going to let you know that the game's progress will be VERY VERY slugish. Atm you have at your disposal a few demo's of those, the ones i'm going to use are the Car and the Motorcycle, tanks still do need improvement. But I digress... The reason to why the progress is going to be slow is simple:

Finals/Exams. I have to focus more on those that on my game (unfortunally you need those to be someone....because Portugal). After I'm through with the massive rectal pain of studying 3 years worth of mathematics knowledge to write a tiny percentage of said knowledge on a piece of paper.

After said exams I'm going to focus, for the following months, 250% of my mind onto this and try to push it towards somthing I would have fun playing. That means implementing basic Mechanics [of which the only one you see are car mechanics (the moving part)].Besides I'm actually learning a big part of what's to come in university, i'm going to try to get a Bachelours or probably a masters in Computer Engineering!
2 Weeks after learning C# I had made motorcycles, tanks and cars. (well...partially working +1 week if you count the red car, which I so thoughfully named Hyperion[the big one with 6 wheels being called the Hyperion (P) for prottype)]. Next on my list is not going to be much sadly, for time does not allow it.

-Tanks(excluding shooting[maybe])
-Walking around and getting in/out of vehicles.

After the exams the list is pretty much going to grow and the development process is going to be faster than a french tank reversing for retreat.
I'l leave you a little sneak peak on something I'm working on. PS: I figured out the tracks and found myself a new Wallpaper.

-Stryker :D

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